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The Benefits of a Pre-Purchase CCTV Drain Survey from McBreen Enviro UK

Written on 16 May, 2024

Are you planning to buy or invest in a new property? Completing standard visual survey checks before finishing a sale will help you in the long run. But – have you considered what you cannot see? By completing a pre-purchase CCTV drain survey, you can understand the exact state of the property’s drains and any potential repairs you may have to make.

Properties can sometimes come with unexpected repairs and issues. Delays to your business plans or moving dates at the last minute will bring additional stress and potential extra costs. Anyone can choose to have a pre-purchase CCTV drain survey – whether you’re a commercial business looking for new premises or a homeowner looking to move.

What is a pre-purchase CCTV drain survey?

A pre-purchase CCTV drain survey is the process of engineers assessing the current drainage system using the latest CCTV survey equipment. You then receive a detailed report to give you the knowledge you need to negotiate if anything is discovered. Our teams use the latest technology on all surveys to provide you with video evidence to use as you need.

Our drain surveys aren’t invasive and there’s no need for excavation. This also reduces the risk of any damage to the property and can save time in the process.

Why should I complete a CCTV drain survey pre-purchase rather than after?

Get the best deal for a property at the point of sale

By completing your drain survey before you buy, you will have the knowledge and confidence to negotiate with the seller. You can then get the best possible price for the property. Our provided video evidence also allows you to show the seller and ask any more questions about the system with our guidance. You can also ask about the history of maintenance to the system and anything the owner may know about potential issues.

Gain a clearer understanding of the property

When you view properties above ground, it is impossible to know how the property was built and what is underneath. Any potential complications with the drainage system are not going to be obvious from a surface inspection. By completing your survey beforehand, you will have a better understanding of the system in place. You can also prepare and arrange potential work that may need to be done.

Submit an insurance quote request quicker

If you’re trying to get a quote for your home or business insurance, providing a survey video can be a great way to show your provider the system in place. Completing your survey before purchase allows you to submit the video evidence we provide. Your insurance company are then made aware as soon as possible and you can get insurance in place without delays.

Enjoy peace of mind

Buying a property or premises is one of the most stressful things we go through and unexpected problems can make it worse. Enjoy peace of mind and feel confident in your future home or business by assessing the drains upfront and reducing your list of worries.

A pre-purchase drain survey can help you save thousands on a new property. It can also give you the confidence needed to negotiate your perfect property. Our team of experienced engineers will advise you on what they find and help you resolve any potential issues you may have.

For more questions about our CCTV drain surveys, contact our team and get started with us today.

Why Choose McBreen Enviro UK?

  1. Experience Matters: With over 17 years of expertise in Ireland and now expanding into the UK, McBreen Enviro brings a wealth of knowledge to every project.
  2. Comprehensive Services: From standard drainage activities like CCTV surveys to specialised DISAB equipment deployment, we offer a full suite of solutions tailored to your needs.
  3. Reliability: Our proactive approach and quick response times ensure that your critical situations are addressed promptly, minimising disruptions to your operations.

If you have any questions or need advice, we are here to assist you.  Connect with one of our Business Development Managers today by phoning 01905 959013 or mailing us at

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